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F.P. Walshe committee to build outdoor classroom

The development of the outdoor space at F.P. Walshe school continues with construction of an outdoor classroom.

The outdoor classroom on the north side of the school will have stadium seating, a stage and white board for presentation.

The school’s outdoor development committee needs the community’s help to complete this third phase, which follows a basketball court and playground.

“It’s a big project and a bit out of our wheelhouse than the first two phases,” the committee’s Niesje Vanden Dool said. “We would love anyone with knowledge of precast concrete and construction to join us. There are opportunities to sponsor a tile or bench.”

F.P. Walshe school principal Chad Jensen said the outdoor development project has had a positive impact on the students’ learning experience.

“As a school community we recognize the importance of play, physical activity, and the benefits of being outside for our overall wellness,” Jensen said. “The last three years we as a staff have talked a lot about getting our students outdoors more often. As a result, we have added a wellness break into our middle school timetable along with teachers choosing to take their classes outside when it fits with their planned learning activities.”

“If you were to drive by F.P. Walshe school during the day you are very likely to see students and staff outside, enjoying being outdoors, and building positive relationships with each other.”

The outdoor classroom’s large stage will be used for drama and other performances by F.P. Walshe students.

The school’s “We Are Walshe” motto will be prominently displayed on the stage, and the art department and students will make tiles that recognize project donors.

An added component to the outdoor classroom is a full-size metal buffalo sculpture and Blackfoot tipi design.

Jensen said the proposed outdoor classroom fits the school’s goals.

“The final phase of the project, the outdoor classroom, has been a collaborative venture once again focused on enhancing the learning opportunities for our students,” Jensen said. “Teachers and students are excited for the opportunity to take their learning outdoors in a space with stadium seating, an open area, and a whiteboard for instructional purposes.”

Jensen said the outdoor development committee received input from our staff, students, and elders for the design of the space, which has Blackfoot cultural teachings incorporated into the design.

“We will eventually be using the classroom for regular instruction during the school day, small class drama performances, and community events such as movie nights,” Jensen said. “Our entire school community is excited for what the outdoor classroom could add to our school culture.”

The committee is looking for help from the community in the areas of pre-cast concrete, drafting, metal work, concrete, labour and landscaping.

The committee has about $50,000 reserved for the project, most of which will be spent on concrete.

Anyone interested in supporting the project can contact Niesje Vanden Dool, Liisa Gillingham, Sarah Foote or Jill Burrows.

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