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Fall immunization program under way

Starting Oct. 10, eligible Albertans were able to book their annual immunizations against fall respiratory viruses.

People are able to book their appointment directly for influenza and COVID-19 vaccines at an Alberta Health Services clinic or pharmacy through the Alberta Vaccine Booking System or by calling 811.

People should speak with your primary care provider for guidance on immunizations and options.

“Keeping up to date on your immunizations is an excellent way to protect yourself against the coming respiratory illness season,” Health Minister Adriana LaGrange said. “Doing what you can to prevent severe illness will also help secure our health care system for those who need it most.”

Appointments will start on Oct. 16.

Starting this week, Albertans living in congregate care will be able to access respiratory virus vaccinations through their facilities.

“Being immunized for influenza and COVID-19 can help protect you and your loved ones, particularly those most at risk for severe disease,” chief medical officer of health Dr. Mark Joffe said. “Taking steps to prevent viral infections will also improve an individual’s overall health.”

In addition to being immunized, Albertans are encouraged to take the following everyday actions to limit the spread of respiratory illnesses:

  • Stay home when feeling sick.
  • If possible, avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your cough and then clean your hands.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and items at home, especially when someone in your home is sick.

Albertans can also choose to wear a well-fitting mask in crowded indoor spaces to help reduce the risk of becoming sick and help protect others from being exposed.

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